Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

From the amazing R.A. Salvatore, who said it better than I could. 

Today is the day we've set aside - rightly so - to pause and take a moment to remember those who have died in military service to this country.

Sometimes it's hard for people to separate the servicemen and servicewomen from the act of war or this or that particular war, and so (particularly in this age of anti-social media) continues the debate/fight.

I'm not interested in that fight in this context - in fact, I find it incredibly distasteful and self-serving IN THIS CONTEXT. So please refrain in this thread.

This is a day to take a moment and reflect for the individuals who had the gumption to go and risk all for their country, who tried to give back to their society, who were willing and brave. Included in the memories for me will be George Atwood Geer, Jr., my would-have-been father-in-law, who died in service in Germany in the early 60's, and my brother-in-law, Rob, who came home from Vietnam broken, and soon after became another soul lost to the tragedy of that conflict.

For all the chaos portrayed by sensationalist media, the number of people killed by war continues to diminish, decade by decade. That's the good news.

The bad news is that people are still being killed by war.

I might have other words for the imperialists, the corporatists, the megalomaniacs and such who propagate such misery for less than honorable and just reasons, but on another day.

Today, it is simple: For those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, and for those willing to put themselves on the line, I simply pause and whisper, 'Thank you."

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