Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I was was tagged in an author questionnaire by Angie Grigaliunas so I'll fill it out for you. :) Let’s play 20 questions – author edition! Answer the 20 questions below and let your readers into your world! 1.) What is your author name? -- Angel Blackwood 2.) What is the first book you ever published? -- The first thing I had published was "Of Oceans and Oblivion" in an anthology called The Road Taken Anyway. My full-length novel won't be out until early November. 3.) What is your publiversary (the day you released your first book)? -- Umm...Spring 2014. 4.) What is your favorite book you’ve written thus far? -- Kindling and the ones that go with it. But my favorite short story is Of Oceans and Oblivion. 5.) What book took you the longest to write? -- Kindling 6.) How long did it take you? -- About a year altogether. 7.) What kind of music do you listen to while you write (if any)? -- A weird mix of rock, metal, folk metal/rock, musicals, steampunk, and other things. 8.) Who is you favorite character from any of your books? -- I love Verin way more than I should love a villain. 9.) What are you currently working on? -- Waxing (book 2 after Kindling), and I'm working on two short stories. 10.) Do you have anything you snack on while you write? -- Not really. 11.) What is your favorite quote or line from one of your books? -- I actually don't have one. I love a lot of what I write, but I haven't picked out a favorite line really. Zahir says at one point "A warrior knows when to fight and when to run." I like that. 12.) Are you a self-published or traditionally published author? -- Both Indie and Traditional. 13.) What is your writing inspiration? -- I get inspiration mostly from music, but otherwise, it's just me. 14.) What genre do you write? -- Fantasy, mostly, but I dabble in other genres too. 15.) Do you have any writing rituals? -- Not at all. 16.) Do you have a specific place you write or time? -- No. I write whenever I can. 17.) Do you have any advice for inspiring writers? -- When it gets hard and feels like the story stops and the words won't come, when you feel rejected and dejected, just keep writing. The words come back, the story will keep going, someone needs you to finish your story. Your story will be the most important story in someone's life. 18.) What are your writing goals? -- Get my books to people, have people love them, make some money (hopefully enough to partially live on at least), and maybe make it big. 19.) What authors inspire you and your writing? -- Joe Abercrombie, R.A. Salvatore, and Brent Weeks. 20.) What will you release next and when (if you know)? -- "Forest of Bones" in August, "Children's Dreams and Other Dead Things" this fall, a demon story after that, and Kindling in November.

from Angel Blackwood